Tera Bank's Specific Implementation Details

  • BerlinGroup Conformity : Implementation Guidelines version 1.3

    More details on how the APIs work, including sample queries, etc, are available in the Berlin Group's specifications. The above link redirects to the Implementation Guidelines, as well as the Berlin Group specifications in Open API 3.0 format.

TPP Identification Policy
QWAC verification

A valid QWAC Certificate for PSD2 is required to access the Sandbox and Berlin Group API. The following conditions are verified:

  • The certificate must be valid (the connection date is strictly between the creation date and the expiration date of the certificate)
  • The certificate must be issued by a QWAC Certificate Authority. The official list of QTSP is available on the eIDAS Trusted List
  • The certificate should not be revoked

If one of the conditions is not fulfilled, the connection is closed and the TPP received an HTTP 403 response (Access forbidden).

A TPP can provide and use any number of valid certificates as long as the CA properties and organizationIdentifier stay the same. The old certificates are not revoked when a new valid certificate is presented by the TPP and can be kept in use until their expiration date is passed.

General Information
SCA Approach Supported by Georgian standard Supported by Us
Redirect OAuth 2.0 workflow
App redirection using App-to-App redirection based on deep linking workflow
Decoupled workflow
Embedded workflow
Account Information Service
Services Supported by Georgian standard Supported by Us
Support of Signing Baskets
Support of Card Accounts Endpoints
Support of Standing orders endpoint
Supported display of Account Owner name
Support of Multilevel SCA Approach
Maximum Frequency Per Day Value Supported on Consent Request 4 4
SCA Validity 90 days 90 days
Consent establishment Timeout 3 days 3 days
Support of parameter withBalance on APIs
Supported Account Reference Identifiers IBAN
Consent scope preset by TPP availableAccounts = allAccounts
availableAccountsWithBalances = allAccounts
allPsd2= allAccounts
Consent scope with acccounts preset by PSU
Supported Access for MultiCurrency Accounts
Multicurrency level Aggregation level
Sub-account level
Aggregation & sub-account level
Balance Type closingBooked
Supported Transactions Query Parameters dateFrom
Supported Transaction information debtorName




Account Information retrieval

Business information AIS

Transactions will appear with a certain delay in the transaction list and be included in the balances.

Account Information retrieval

Business information AIS

Accounts are described by account product name (e.g. PremiumKonto) and  ISO20022 code (e.g. CACC)

Account Information retrieval

Technical information AIS

Amounts are returned as float type values.

Consent creation for AIS

Type of allowed consent

AIS consents may be requested for all accounts or for a given set of IBANs only.