Account Information Services (AIS)

Account Information Services(AIS) includes the collection and storage of information from a customer’s different bank accounts in a single place, allowing customers to have a global view of their financial situation and easily analyze their expenses and financial needs.< br /> AIS allows service providers to have secure access to customer accounts and data, with the content of the customer. This lets the provider to give a more detailed overview of the user’s finances, allowing for better insights and analysis.

AIS Key Features

This API allows approved Account Information Service Providers (AISPs) to request access to Payment Accounts from a PSU.
Key Features :

  • Create an "account information consent" resource for a list of accounts and request an SCA from the PSU.
  • Account information consents are valid up to 90 days
  • Consent is requested from the customer via Redirect and SCA
  • Get access to account details, balances and transactions
  • This API is developed according to specifications of the Berlin-Group NextGenPSD2 Framework
  • To Access the Live API an eIDAS QWAC certificate according to PSD2-Regulation with the roles AISP or ASPSP is required.

To Access the Live API an eIDAS QWAC certificate according to PSD2-Regulation with the roles AISP or ASPSP is required.

By using our PSD2 Account and Card account Information APIs, you can safely and securely retrieve customers' account and card account information.
We have two APIs available that you can use to collect this information:

  • the Account Information API, where you'll get the customer's accessible payment account information, balances and transactions
  • the Card Account Information API - where you'll get the customer's Charge Card and Credit Card information, balances and transactions.